Thursday, July 2, 2009

To Readers.

Hi, People!

We've stepped into the latter part of 2009; things are starting to really pick up. It's not that I haven't got stories to share, but I've been too occupied to post them here.

Time living the story V.S. Time documenting those same stories... I've got the former and I'd rather it this way than the other way round - know what I mean? I'll definitely publish them stories real soon - be patient. If you - readers - have not noticed, I tend to write with explicit details and in full. As you can imagine, it's pretty tiring and time-consuming to do so and I don't want to give you all a half-assed post. What's the point in that, right?

So, bear with me here and I assure you that The Key will Fully be back in the Slots this July.


Anonymous said...

awaiting the crescendo. cheers.

Jack said...

This sounds just like a movie teaser-trailer. Already keeping a lookout, my friend!